Business details
Come and experience hands-on holistic health treatments to boost energy, reduce pain, and speed injury recovery. Techniques include myofascial release, cranio-sacral treatments, and visceral treatments which can help manage acute and chronic health problems. Osteopathic treatments focus on the whole body through techniques that improve joint alignment, range of motion, and posture. Common reasons for visiting include back and neck pain, whiplash, headaches, muscle and joint pain, stress, orthopedic problems (knee, hip), concussion, digestive problems, and many more. All ages are welcome.
Home clinic in an amazing healing setting on the Kennebecasis River, close to East Saint John and Rothesay.
Covered by many insurance plans, and a receipt will be provided.
Please call for an appointment today!
- Osteopathy
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Monday By appointment
- Friday By appointment