Business details
In a nutshell, the TCS is more than a Shul, it is a community and here are some examples why we believe it to be true:
Two Friday night & Three Shabbat morning Minyanim
Beautiful Sanctuary
Daily Minyanim with classes before and after minyan daily.
Weekly Kiddush & communal Sholosh Seudot
Musical Havdalah Service
All Holiday Services
Full-time Experienced Rabbi
Cemetery Privileges
Use of the Shul and “Simcha rooms” for your personal events.
Daily & Weekly classes from Talmud study to special women’s classes: From beginner to advanced- there is no need to look elsewhere; we have the finest teachers and classes possible.
Youth Programs & Youth Director
Private, discrete counselling by a Credentialed Rabbi
Special Groups for Young Couples & Families
Melave Malkes
Shabbat Dinners
Shabbat HaGadol Shabbaton with all Meals (great for just before Passover)
And so much more………….
Such as, for example, trips, Lag B’Omer picnic & BBQ, ten Shabbatons yearly with world-renowned lecturers, Friday night dinners, Oneg Shabbat, The Ginzburg Learning Centre, Advanced Talmud Classes, Chesed Committee, Purim Party & Seudah, access to the Rabbis and educators of Aish HaTorah and on……
Interested in coming by for a visit?
Perhaps you are looking for just that right place for you and your family?
Are you looking for more than a Shul?
Give our community a try!
Language options
- English