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When was the last time you saw an Avon Brochure? Did you know that, in addition to being one of the largest manufacturers of beauty products in the country, we sell a wide selection of gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other special occasions? Every Avon Brochure is packed with incredible offers on makeup, skin care and bath products, fragrance, fashions, gifts, home decor items, books, videos, CD's, vitamins and exercise equipment. As an Avon Customer, all you have to do is open a Brochure. Once you've chosen the products you like, simply pick up the phone, or email me to place your order. I will gladly deliver your products right to your door, at your convenience. There's no risk involved because your products may be returned without question if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchases. Shopping Avon is that easy!
1. Contact me for a Brochure. Email me and I will send you a link to view the current brochures and flyers. 2. Shop With Me, browse and order online and your order is sent to me in my email. I will deliver as usual. 3. Shop Online. Your order goes direct to Avon and is shipped direct to you. Note: there is a shipping charge. My 10 digit phone number should be entered to give me credit for your purchase. If you have any questions or comments, feel free email me.