King-Tech Computer Cleaning Service
66 Highfield Park Dr,Business details
King-Tech Computer Cleaning specializes in the cleaning and sanitizing of all types of electronic office equipment with very little disruption to your office work flow. Having your most expensive office equipment cleaned and sanitized is the first line of defense in prevention maintenance. Your equipment being cleaned on a regular basis will extend the life of the equipment, reduce downtime and repairs, and reduce employee absentees. Our cleaning solutions are especially designed to clean and sanitize electronic equipment and are environmentally friendly. When companies use our services, their equipment looks brand new again, helping them maintain the professional image they strive for. Have you thought about the amount of germs and bacteria that may be growing on your keyboards and telephones? Have you considered the cost of time lost due to colds and flus? Having your keyboards and telephones cleaned and sanitized will reduce the amount of sick time used due to illness. YES! I WANT MY KEYBOARD CLEANED FOR FREE! I want to see the difference you can make in MY office Company: Phone: Contact Name: Position: Address: Please mark down the number of pieces of the equipment you currently have in your office: ____ PC’S (Keyboard Monitor, CPU) ____ Printers ____ Photocopiers ____ Fax Machines ____ Adding Machines, Calculators ____ Scanners ____ Telephones ____ Cell Phones Copy and Paste in word then fax this form to King-Tech Computer/Electronic Equipment Cleaning Services @ 469-8324 or e-mail us at kingtechcleaning@gmail.com One of our representatives will call you to set up a convenient time to show you our service and clean your keyboard for FREE!
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment