Business details
Bylis Alb Offering full service of Residential, Multi Residential, Condominium, Co-operative Housing and Commercial Management Solutions.
Bylis Alb Living Management was founded on the principal of Customer Service.
About Us
We have assembled a team of accredited professionals whose combined careers have managed 30 million dollars in assets. Responsible for some of the lowest vacancy rates in the toughest markets in Canada. We have successfully introduced residential and condominium management to local portfolios. Honing our marketing, leasing and training skills across North America Industry Reputation.
Our approach
We bring our Mission to life by:
•exceeding our residents' expectations;
•establishing standards that are the envy of our peers;
•promoting employee integrity, sharing and reward;
•Building a lasting foundation for those who follow.
Every day, we remind ourselves that our business involves much more than bricks and mortar. It's our people - the Bylis Alb Living Managment, taking care of your family everyday! Our approach to business makes us more than different. It makes us better!
Bylis Alb living Management shares our expertise, economies of scale and vast resources as Third Party Toronto Property Management for multi-family apartments and condominiums.
At Bylis Alb Living Management, we've earned our reputation as a fabulous Toronto Property Management Company from more than 10 successful years in the industry.
Bylis Alb living Management has established property management in Toronto where we maintain some of the lowest vacancy rates in the industry with the highest customer satisfaction. More recently we have expanded our third party management to other areas in Ontario which include Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville and Whitby. We have further plans to expand on a national basis, and we're confident that our well established infrastructure will benefit properties in need of professional management. Our organization's infrastructure is an ideal solution for multi-family property owners looking to achieve optimum asset management and occupancy results.
Bylis Alb living Management delivers the entire gambit of professional property management support including marketing and leasing, finance and accounting, technology, physical plant management and maintenance, as well as customer service and collections.
At Bylis Alb living our Condominium Management team offers extensive expertise in all aspects of accounting, site operations, physical plant maintenance, technology and communications. We understand the need for open communication between property owners and the Board of Directors, and regularly provide information through newsletters and the circulation of meeting minutes. Our established Client Service Standards enable us to tailor our property management services to the needs of individual condominium properties.
Bylis Alb knows how to produce consistent profitable budget results and reports on a timely basis, in both multi-family and condominium.
Information about Our Property Management Services & Fees...
At Bylis Alb Living Management, we understand that our ultimate purpose is to improve your quality of life. To do this, we provide a full palate of property management services. We make your property rent-ready, advertise it aggressively, screen and qualify tenants, deal with move-ins and move-outs, collect all rents, perform repairs & maintenance, enforce rules and regulations, deal with tenant communication, deal with evictions, and distribute monthly statements and draws.
YES, that's a lot, but that's our job! We take the hassle out of real estate management, and put a smile back on your face!
Among Toronto property management companies, our convenience features are unequalled. We provide online tenant and owner portals for quick and efficient communication, online maintenance requests and response tracking, online account viewing for owners, electronic rent payment for tenants, and 24-hour emergency services. With our Exclusive Owner's Money Back Guarantee, and no monthly management fees until your property rents, we're the kind of property manager that puts your interests first. So relax, we've got you covered.
• NO signup fee
• No charge to get started if your property is rented
• No charge for advertising - with extensive print and online exposure
• Free onsite property evaluations by our Broker
• Exclusive Owner's Money Back Guarantee ® (see below for details)
• Complete Maintenance system available
• No charge for maintenance estimates
• Maintenance fees can be charged to rent
When comparing property management companies, it can be difficult to discover what FEES you will have to pay. Here at Bylis Alb Living Management, our policy is simple - NO HIDDEN FEES. And ... we pride ourselves on having the LOWEST FEES around. Check out other property managers, and you'll agree, we are the lowest!
• NO up-front fees OF ANY KIND!
• NO CHARGE to get started, If property is now rented
• NO FEES whatsoever until the property is leased
• NO nickel and dime fees
Choose Yours Management Fees...
• For houses and town houses - $60.00/door monthly, but, not less than $100.00/month
• For buildings less than 20 units - $50.00/door monthly
• For buildings 21 to 70 units - $40.00/door
• For buildings 70 to 150 units - $ 32.00/door
• For buildings with more than 150 units - $28.00/door
• No charge for lease renewals
• No charge for signs
• No charge for lock boxes
• No charge for inspections
• No mileage or trip charges
•Optional $200 reserve held in trust to help resolve emergency issues with your property.
Sokol Taullaj R.C.M & A.I.H.M
TEL: 416- 892- 4554
Certifications and associations
- Property Management
- Commercial
- Installation
- Residential
- Bathrooms
- Kitchens
- Faucets & Sinks
- Home Décor
- Remodelling
- Drywall
Language options
- English