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Heartstrings Home Decor is a destination retailer of home furnishings in Smithers. It offers an extensive line of locally made select home furnishings, which is coupled with extraordinary customer service.
The vision of the owners Tim and Sherri Matthews, was for the company to be the furniture retailer of choice for B.C.’s North. They wanted to create a store with items so special that it would draw customers from a wide geographical area. Having recently moved into a new 10,000-square-foot store, it’s clear they are realizing their dream.
Maintaining a focus on delivering experiences that exceed expectations, Heartstrings has achieved significant retail growth. The Matthews attribute their success to a love for what they do, which flows to their caring, long-term staff and loyal customers. Sherri Matthews explains, “We believe in a hands-on approach to our business. With everything from purchasing from local suppliers to the delivery of a new piece of furniture to a home, our business is built on developing and maintaining positive