Business details
One tree a day, planted on your behalf, we've partnered with Trees for the Future to plant trees and change lives.
If your business or organization is concerned with the environment, consider hosting your website on a server powered with renewable energy.
The servers Citizen Green uses for hosting each client's website are provided with 300% renewable energy.
That means your website is actually putting twice as much green energy back into the grid as it is using.
Citizen Green knows that not all small organizations are interested in paying high fees up front for websites, even if they have custom functionality and styling in mind.
We want to earn your loyalty as a client through hard work and high quality support.
To meet that goal we offer an all in one web service that includes an original site design, ongoing support and green web hosting.
Contact us today for more information.
- Web Design
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment