Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd
17816-105 Ave. NW,-
- Ways to pay: Other
Business details
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd is a Canadian Geotechnical Engineering Company and provides Geotechnical Engineering Services in Edmonton, Alberta. Alpha Adroit Also provides Geo-Environmental Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Construction Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC/QC), and Field and Laboratory Materials Testing Services (soil compaction testing, concrete testing, grout testing, standard soil testing, etc), permafrost engineering, and forensic geotechnical engineering to various industry sectors throughout Alberta.
Geotechnical Engineering Services in Edmonton
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides geotechnical site investigation, slope stability analysis, landslide remediation, deep (pile) and shallow foundations design, pile design and inspection, soil compaction testing, earthwork inspection, retaining walls and shoring design, ground improvement design and testing, geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, frozen ground and permafrost engineering, failure investigation (expert witness | forensic engineering), geotechnical consulting and testing for foundation repair, directional drilling, river crossings, pipelines, dams, bridges, mining, and pavement design.
Specialized services for CFA (Continuous Flight Auger) piles, belled piles, Compacto piles, driven concrete and steel piles, wood piles, pipe piles, heavy-duty caissons, cast-in-place shafts, pre-cast piles, micro piles, friction piles, footings, and mat foundations — Services include analysis, design, load testing, inspection, confirmation, failure investigation, instrumentation, monitoring, upgrading, and remedial consultation.
Alpha Adroit's experts provide advanced and routine geotechnical engineering, permafrost and frozen ground engineering, materials testing, and performance testing and monitoring services for land developments, buildings, roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, tank farms, towers (telecommunication towers, radio towers, fire towers, radar towers, etc), specialty infrastructures, open-pit mines, mining site support facilities, pipelines, oil and gas and manufacturing infrastructures.
Materials Testing Services in Edmonton
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides construction materials testing, concrete testing , grout testing, soil compaction testing, as well as other routine and advanced testing for soils, rocks, aggregates, structural concrete, cement, plastic concrete, zero slump concrete, light-weight concrete, grout concrete, mortar, shotcrete, soil-cement, roller-compacted concrete (RCC), and asphalt.
Environmental Engineering Consulting Services in Edmonton
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd provides Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) Phase I, II, and III, audits, site remediation, petroleum storage tank removal and audit, gas station environmental site assessment, car wash environmental site assessment, spill response and cleanup, and controlling contamination transport.
Forensic Geotechnical Engineering Services
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd is a Canadian professional engineering firm providing licensed forensic engineering services in Canada as well as in international locations (Canadian Company Capabilities: Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd).
Alpha Adroit provides a wide range of Forensic Geotechnical Engineering, Expert Witness, Expert Opinion, Failure Investigation, and Remedial and Repair Consultation services (Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Expert Witness Services) for buildings, slopes (slope failure investigation and landslide remediation), land developments, infrastructures, dams and levees, tailings management facilities, mining, oil and gas, and pipeline industries.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Services
Alpha Adroit also provides a broad range of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and engineering evaluation for concrete, grout, epoxy, wood, ceramic, composites, metals, graphite, plastic, alloys, ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic material, and some resins. Alpha Adroit provide NDT testing for steel and concrete foundations and concrete walls, concrete columns, and other structural or geotechnical elements.
Some of Alpha Adroit’s expert NDT services inculcate:
- Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo (UPE), Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), Low-Energy Ultrasonic Impact-Echo (UIE), High-Energy Ultrasonic/Sonic Impact-Echo (HEUIE)
- Non-Destructive Evaluation of concrete (porosity, fissuring, honeycomb, anisotropy, aging, necking, bulging, cracking, foreign objects, other internal irregularities and defects)
- Crack and Corrosion Mapping of deteriorated or damaged concrete for assessing the structural integrity of concrete structures - crack width, crack depth, and crack length measurements
- Mapping (delineation/sizing) and depth of cold joints in concrete
- Ultrasonic concrete crack depth and concrete compressive strength measurement
- GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar for concrete and geological settings
More information on Alpha Adroit’s NDT services is available at:
Non-Destructive Testing Services at Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd
Our other routine services include geotechnical pile inspection, footing inspection, pile design, and bearing capacity inspection for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Geotechnical Engineering Services in Edmonton, Alberta
Materials Testing Services in Edmonton, Alberta
Environmental Engineering Consulting in Edmonton, Alberta
Construction Quality Control (QA/QC) Services in Edmonton, Alberta
Pile Inspection Services in Edmonton, Alberta
More information is available at:
Permafrost and Frozen Ground Engineering Services
Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Expert Witness Services
Slope Stability Analysis and Landslide Remediation Services
Geohazard Risk Assessment and Management Services
Offshore Geotechnical Engineering Services
Mining Geotechnical Engineering Services
Environmental Engineering Services
Pile Inspection and Design Services
Soil Compaction Testing Services
Concrete and Grout Testing Services
Concrete NDT
BIM — Building Information Modeling Services
Online Contact Form
Alpha Adroit's Online Contact Form
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd — LinkedIn
Dr. Mohammadali Kia, P.Eng. — Principal Geotechnical Engineer
Dr. Mohammed G. Rahman, P.Eng. — Senior Principal Geotechnical Engineer
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd — Facebook
Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd — Twitter
Edmonton: 1-780-708-4110
Calgary: 1-403-918-4110
Vancouver: 1-778-322-4110
Yellowknife: 1-867-444-4110 & 780-708-4110
Fort McMurray: 780-607-4114
Edmonton: 1-780-708-4115
Red Deer: 1-403-918-4115
Saskatoon: 1-306-881-4115
Winnipeg: 1-204-952-4115 & 780-708-4110
Toll Free (Canada and USA): 1-844-4-ADROIT (1-844-423-7648)
Certifications and associations
- Concrete
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Geo Technical Service
- Consulting Engineer
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Clean Up
- Alpha Adroit, Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Testing, Concrete Testing, Soil Compaction Testing, Pile Inspection, Slope Stability Analysis, Environmental Engineering, Non-Destructive Testing, NDT
Parking detail
- Free
- Street
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday Closed
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
Additional contact
Websites and social media
- Slope Stability Analysis Services alphaadroit.ca/services/geotechnical-engineering/slope-stability-analysis-design-and-repair.html
- Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Services alphaadroit.ca/services/ndt-non-destructive-testing-services.html
- Concrete Testing Services alphaadroit.ca/services/materials-testing-services/concrete-testing.html
- Soil Compaction Testing Services alphaadroit.ca/services/geotechnical-engineering/soil-compaction-testing.html