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Furnace Repair Call out only $45.00
21 Point Tune -Up Inspection only $79.00
Redbear Contractors is your One Stop Shop in Home Heating Repair and Replacement Services.
Okay so you're looking into Replacing the Central Heating System in your Home.
Here are a few tips in Purchasing a New Furnace that will make you feel more informed and save you money.
First let's look at the Salesman. His job is to make Commission on his sale, usually 8-9 percent.
How does he increase his Commission? By steering you towards a Furnace that is of a Premium Price, Usually Variable Speed or Modulating Furnace.
How Does he do this?
By telling you that the cost in running the furnace will be cheaper in the long run.
So let's look at this scenario.
In the Furnace Marketplace today there are 4 different furnaces that you the home owner should be aware of.
They are:
Single Stage, Two Stage, Two Stage Variable and Modulating.
In the next few paragraphs I am going to try to make your buying decision easier by explaining what you should be looking for when purchasing a Furnace that best suits your home.
First let's look at Sizing your Furnace - All furnaces are sized by the Btu rating that your homes square footage requires, that means a quick calculation. If you live in Canada and you want to find out what size you require take your homes square footage and divide by.04 this will give you an approximate size you should be looking for.
So for example - 1600 Square feet, divided by.04 = 40000 Btu's
If you have an older home with less insulation and older windows, you should probably move to a slightly higher size furnace, like a 60000 Btu Furnace.
Remember to not oversize your furnace you will not see the benefit.
Furnace types and what they do:
Single Stage - is a furnace with one speed on the blower motor and one heat setting. Meaning you turn on your furnace and it comes on, never changes and shuts off when it reaches the temperature setting on the thermostat. these furnace usually only come with a 5 year warranty and are slightly louder than a higher priced furnace. The Blower motor is a brushless DC in most. Ask your Salesman if the Furnace has a DC motor. In Ontario that qualifies you for a $250.00 discount from the O.P.A.
Average Installed Price on a 60000 Btu Furnace - $2100.00
Average Cost to Run $100.00
Two Stage - Is and Furnace with 2 Stages, but only on the burners, not on the motor, that stays at one set speed.
This 2 Stage process means that if you come home from work on a cold winters day and turn on your furnace it will start off on low stage or around 60% of total Btu output or if you have a 60000 Btu Furnace it will come on at 33000-36000 Btu's. If the furnace cannot eclipse the temperature you have set on your Thermostat in a given amount of time it will increase the burner to maximum to provide home comfort.
Average Installed Price on a 60000 Btu Furnace - $2300.00
Average Cost to Run $100.00
2 Stage Variable Speed - Is a Furnace that does have more than one speed on the Blower Motor and 2 Stage settings on the Burner Ports. If you set your thermostat at 76 degrees the Blower motor will ramp up in speed to satisfy the homes demands. It works on a 19 min cycle and remembers where it started from, this provides more home comfort by allowing increased air flow to all areas of the home. let's look at a common example of a variable speed furnace. let's say your family is all settling down on a cold winters night. The Thermostat is set on 78 and your furnace is cycling away providing comfort throughout the home, all of a sudden the front door swings open and in walks the grandparents. The Cold air from outside will cause a drop in temperature that the thermostat will pick up on. It will then send a signal to the furnace that something has happened. The Furnace Blower will Ramp up in speed and the Burners kick up to Maximum, to compensate for the drop off in Temperature.
Average Installed Price on a 60000 Btu Furnace - $2800.00
Average Cost to Run $95.00
Modulating Furnace - is a Furnace that works just like a variable speed Furnace, except for the Blower Motor, it Ramps up and Down and usually comes with Brushless DC Motor that is larger than the standard motor installed in the above mentioned. The Benefits of this furnace is how it delivers air, most people would think that the more forced air generated by your furnace would be more beneficial, however this is not the case. If you own a large home with lots of rooms or additions this is the Furnace for you. Moving Air Flow a lower rate means the trunk lines that flow from your main supply Plenum can pick up this air and deliver it at a constant rate.
Remember Air Flow will take the path of least resistance which is your Large supply line.
Average Installed Price on a 60000 Btu Furnace - $3200.00
Average Cost to Run $90.00
Note To Customer:
Variable Speed and Modulating Furnaces work Better with a Communicating Thermostat. Installing a Furnace without a Communicating Thermostat is still possible but your not getting any benefit from the furnace at all.
I hope you have noticed the cost differential in running these Furnaces. Almost Zero! Even if you calculate the cost of running compared to cost of purchase your return on investment is not there. Thats is Why you Should have an Expert evaluate your homes required size, not a Salesman.
Furnaces are Designed with a Specific Home in Mind, don't get fooled into purchasing a Furnace that you do not require.
Call - 1-888-203-4616 Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Hamilton
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