Engineering Renaissance Partnerships Inc
50 Maple Drive,Business details
Engineering Renaissance Partnerships Inc. (ERP) is a local Canadian civil engineering company with an engineering renaissance approach.
We provide an accumulation of years of knowledge and experience in multi facetted and multi discipline projects needed in today's modern world to effectively and efficiently generate solutions to develop the best from the past to advance future projects for the benefit of all stakeholders. Engineering Services include: Design and Construction Services; Investigations and Expert Witness; Site Plan and Subdivision Development,s Public Works and Municipal Engineering: Roads and Traffic, Drainage and Stormwater Management; Erosion and Slope Engineering; Retaining Walls and Grading; Soil, Groundwater and Surface Water Engineering. Wells and Septic Systems; Water and Waste Treatment; Environmental Engineering; Building and Structure Services; Renewable Energy Systems.Contact us for solutions
Certifications and associations
Ontario Water Works Association Professional Engineers of Ontario