Life in Transition
2356 Old Montreal Rd,Business details
New Life After 50: The Third Stage of Life
This time of life is a major life transition and it has not been popularly recognized as such and I believe it warrants our conscious attention. This transition starts manifesting usually between 50/65 years of age and some commonly encounter the following experiences, amongst others:
• although living a full life, feeling/sensing at times that what used to bring joy no longer does;
• feeling disengaged or disenchanted with life;
• feeling/sensing a void/something missing within that was not necessarily sensed/felt before;
• growing older suddenly shows up as a problem/concern.
What is Important to Address at this Stage of Life
The feelings/concerns described above are often underneath our awareness when we undergo this major life transition. At this age, we are starting to realize that we have less time ahead than behind us, becoming more aware of our mortality. It is therefore important to now engage or engage more deeply with:
• what is incongruent in our life – where in our lives are we not in alignment with our heart’s/soul’s yearning/
• what is dying that needs to be let go, what no longer serves us – whether it be possessions, outdated beliefs,
relationships that no longer work, etc.;
• excavate the wisdom we have acquired to date and what is left to be expressed;
• what is our legacy, what to give back to others.
Please contact me to discuss further at 613-833-1988.
Language options
- English
- French
Business hours
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment