Business details
Advanced Cleaning Technologies
World Famous VonSchrader Process
We Make You Profits!!
Advanced Cleaning Technologies and its President Mr. Kent Parsons are pleased to announce their appointment as an “Authorized VonSchrader Canada Platinum Associate” using the “World Famous VonSchrader Cleaning Process ”Let us tell you a bit about VonSchrader now celebrating their 80th Year of Industry Excellence; obviously we do know a thing or two about Carpet/Upholstery/Wall/Wall and Ceiling cleaning; In fact VonSchrader invented Synthetic Detergents for North America and has just released its newest “Advanced Air Cell Formulation” for even cleaner, quicker, dryer, carpets and upholstery sometimes as quick as 20 minutes! Did You Know We Are:
Industry Rated #1 Boeing Aircraft Approved
Celebrating 80 Years of Excellence Fast, Fast Drying
Green Seal Certified Zum Brampton Transit Approved
Woolsafe Approved World Famous Stain Removal
Worlds Experts For Natural Fibers
Champion Status EPA S.D.S.I (Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative)
Our systems are patented and unique to us and you and that is a good thing! Share Our Passion for Perfection!
Truck mount systems and hot water extraction so called “steam cleaning” is a lie they are not more powerful than a VonSchrader System and they are not “steam.” Steam is 212 degrees F. Carpets today can melt or lose their finish at 145 degrees F. No matter who you chose in your area as a cleaner of carpets or furniture you are still buying the same process of cleaning and they all buy their cleaning supplies from the same supplier, why heck, the cheaper the better right, not good for you! They all go through the motions of cleaning using cheap low quality cleaning agents, with “T” for toxic and “Flame” for flammability without much cleaning really happening, carpets are wet 1 -2 days ,stinky and stains reappearing, so you the customer lose in the end truly wasting your dollars spent! Not so with the VonSchrader Process where our systems are patented technology and world class products are exclusive to us and you.
Have you got a problem area that you’re present and past carpet and furniture cleaning provider have not been able to remedy? LET US DO IT!! Find out what true value for your dollar really is. Call us now 902-213-5263 or email: mailto:aboveallecoclean@gmail.comkentparsons1@hotmail.com. Put us to the test!
It is no secret in business today – Cleanliness creates customers, showing dirtiness pushes customers away!
- Carpet Cleaning
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment